The Aztec UFO Incident

Early morning March 25, 1948, the high desert of Northwest New Mexico, a rancher leaves his house to let his goats out of the corral. There is a loud noise that draws his eyes to the sky where he sees a silver flying saucer wobbling as if in distress. The disc scrapes along the face of a rock cliff causing sparks. It then heads north and comes
to rest on a mesa.
A group of witnesses gather to examine the craft including ranchers,
oil field workers, police, a county commissioner and a preacher. They find that the almost 100-foot craft was intact except for a hole the size of a quarter on its dome. One of the witnesses grabbed a pole from
his oil field truck and began poking inside of the craft.
Suddenly the craft opens and reveals two slumped over dead beings.
This is amazing enough, but there is so much more to this comprehensive study and documentation of a historical event.
Our research includes pre-crash sightings by police and the military, witnesses, physical evidence, a total of up to16 dead beings and the scientists that worked on the craft. Follow the individuals involved in
the cover-up and the enduring impact that this incident had on their lives and all of ours.
Now after 30 + years of research, having traveled throughout the United States visiting archives, interviewing witnesses and gathering thousands of documents, it all comes together with this book.

artist rendering by Barton "Bart" James Christner, MFA
artist rendering by Barton "Bart" James Christner, MFA
It Came to Earth at Aztec, New Mexico
Coming soon!
Revealed: The Recovery of a UFO
is our third and final book covering our
research journey of the Aztec UFO Incident.
After 30+ years of gathering information,
this book has a comprehensive look at all
that we have uncovered.
Follow step-by -step the witnesses,
the documents and the evidence.
Includes previously unreleased information.

It Came to Earth at Aztec, New Mexico
Revealed: The Recovery of a UFO
The Authors and Research

Scott Ramsey began his investigation of the Aztec UFO Incident in 1988 while on a business trip to Aztec, New Mexico.

Suzanne Ramsey learned of the Aztec UFO Incident as a child when her mother shared her reading Frank Scully's book Behind the Flying Saucers.
Scott and Suzanne met when Scott was a guest on Suzanne's newstalk radio program. The two became friends and shortly after married.
Together the Ramseys have diligently researched this case. This search for truth on this case
has been part of virtually every day since. Taking a "boots on the ground" style of research they have traveled 18 states, interviewed dozens of witnesses and gathered thousands of documents.
Along with Frank Thayer, Phd the Ramsey's have authored two previous books The Aztec Incident and The Aztec UFO Incident.
Their third and final book on this event It Came to Earth at Aztec, New Mexico Revealed : The Recovery of a UFO is a comprehensive collection of their complete research.
Volumes of information not previously released including witnesses, physical evidence, documents and the impact on all of our lives that this historical incident has had.
The Ramsey's reside in North Carolina where they have a small organically grown farm.
Scott's is Southeastern sales manager for Pittsburgh Electrical Insulation. Suzanne is owner of Uncle Scott's All Natural Root Beer.

Frank Thayer, Phd was born and raised in New Mexico. He is a writer, editor, photographer and educator, both in New Mexico and in Canada, where he worked for 11 years. Teaming up with the Ramseys, he was co-author for two books on the Aztec Flying Saucer Incident. He became dedicated to Aztec research after first meeting the Ramseys in 2006. Frank earned all three of his degrees at New Mexico State University and is now Professor Emeritus at the university where he also served as journalism department head from 2002 -2008. In addition to the Aztec books, he has authored six other books since 2011, both non-fiction and fiction.

View from crash site toward Colorado

View of crash site area
View from road to crash site

View from crash site to road